Old Testament In a Year: May 12 – 2 Samuel 10, 11, 12

2 Samuel 10, 11, 12
Focus Verse: David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” And Nathan said to David, “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die.” – 2 Samuel 12:13

David knew he was wrong for having Uriah killed and for taking Bathsheba as his own wife. And when he was confronted about his wrongdoing, he readily admitted that he had sinned. He did not try to excuse, explain, justify, or minimize his sin. His full admittance of it showed that he was truly repentant of the wrong he had done.

Because he did not lie or try to further hide his wrongdoing, God forgave Him. Instead of holding his sin against him, God put away his sin. Although he was still punished for it, God did not remember it anymore.

David didn’t say he sinned against Uriah or Bathsheba, but against the Lord because when one sins against his or her self or against others, they are also sinning against God. When one hurts his or her self or hurts others, they are also hurting God. What do you do when you do wrong? Do you cover it up or admit it? Do you truly repent for it or do you just not care? Are you concerned about how your sin affects God?

God understands your faults. He knows you aren’t perfect. He does not seek to hold your sin against you, but seeks to put it away and forgive you.

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