New Testament In a Year: August 13 – Romans 14


Romans 14
(1-12) Do Not Pass Judgment on One Another
Christ’s death and resurrection freed us from rules and regulations. Christianity is not a legalistic religion, but some people still measure their faith by what they do and by what they do not do. This means that those Christians who are vegetarians and believe in abstaining from meat should not be judged by those who believe and eat differently. All of us live to the Lord. All of us die to the Lord. Therefore, all of us are accountable to the Lord. We should not let our different convictions divide us, nor should we seek to impose our different personal convictions on others. Instead of judging others, we are only accountable for how we live our own lives as Christians unto God.

(13-23) Do Not Cause Another to Stumble
We are not to engage in behavior that will cause other Christians (who may be weaker in their faith or beliefs) to stumble. The spiritual welfare of others should have a higher priority that our own personal preferences. The kingdom of God is not about what we eat or drink. It is not about what we wear or where we live. The kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, joy and serving Christ. Let us pursue actions and conversations that bring peace and upbuild all.

Favorite verse: (17) For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

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