35 Facts About You


You were born to do good.
You are smart.
You are wise.
You are gifted.
You are brilliant.
You are creative.
You are capable.
You are likeable.
You are loveable.
You are fun to be around.
You are special.
You are a good friend.
You are powerful.
You are caring.
You are a dreamer.
You are encouraging.
You are the future.
You are fearless.
You are fierce.
You are a fighter.
You are beautiful.
You are hopeful.
You are imaginative.
You are unlimited.
You are a leader.
You are weird.
You are optimistic.
You are strong.
You are free.
You are a question.
You are an answer.
You are a friend.
You are useful.
You are a light.
You are a reflection of God.

Real Strength


“Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Dictionary.com defines “strength” as: the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor. But is that all real strength is? No, because real strength is not found in muscle alone but in a faithful heart, a gentle spirit, and a determined head.

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High-Wire Faith


On Sunday, June 23, 2013, Nik Wallenda walked 1400 feet on a two-inch-thick cable above the Little Colorado River Gorge, near the Grand Canyon. And he made it look terrifyingly easy. Yet it took faith for him to step out on that cable. It took faith in God. It took faith in himself. It took faith in his aspiration to do something awesome.

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